INTRODUCTION: END OF A FISCAL CYCLE The coronavirus crisis is pushing the Spanish...
The Covid Rate: A Tax on the Rich?
Introduction The financial situation in Spain has reached its limit. The State will...
Cómo funcionan los eurobonos
Un bono es un instrumento que emiten los Estados para financiarse. A cambio de que un...
How Do Eurobonds Work?
A bond is an instrument that states issue to finance themselves. In exchange for an...
Will the economic measures against the coronavirus crisis be effective?
We are, without a doubt, facing a historic moment. The coronavirus not only infected...
The more socialism, the less Spain
The PSOE-Podemos agreement is going to seriously undermine our freedom. It is...
Greta Thunberg and capitalism
Greta Thunberg. Her name has become regular in the media over the past year and a half,...
The case against Tech Taxes
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report, prepared by Julian Jessop (Institute of Economic...
Tax Freedom Day 2019
1. INTRODUCTION. STATE COSTS AND BENEFITS In 2019, the Spanish economy is deepening in...
The victory of the Socialist Party leaves a taste of instability
There are several readings that can be extracted from the results of these general...
Millennial Manifesto
Numerous analysts point out an unfavorable treatment towards young people compared to...
Spanish General Budget proposal 2019: Public accounts that do not prepare for the crisis
After its publication, the General State Budget proposal for 2019, far from clarifying...
Liberal ‘white smoke’ in Spain
The National Convention of the People’s Party (PP) which took place earlier this month...
Economic impact of the digital tax in Spain
This study addresses the economic impact that will result from the tax scenario that is...
Strategies to increase the participation of higher incomes in income tax collection
It seems fair that the richest should contribute more to the tax system. However, this...
Tax Freedom Day 2016
Executive Summary How many taxes do we pay throughout our lives? Throughout his working...
Tax punishment for Spanish families
Spain, the lowest income tax reduction for families The ageing of the demographic...
Tax statutory disadvantage
Main conclusions (i) The tax reform of Navarra increases the personal income tax to all...
A tax framework for employment
Main conclusions (i) Spain is, together with Greece, the EU country with the highest...
Tax Freedom Day 2015
On July 1, it is Tax Freedom Day in Spain. In other words, Spanish workers need 182 days...
Tax Freedom Day 2014
How long do you work for the State? On July 3, Spain celebrates its 2014 Tax Freedom...