Introduction The coronavirus pandemic has called many ideas into question, especially in...
The ERTE in codes
Introduction After the state of alarm decree on March 14 in the face of the COVID-19...
At what point is confinement no longer profitable?
Introduction The situation in Spain, especially during the past month, is absolutely...
The COVID-19 Pandemic: the end of the International Liberal Order and the Advance of the Authoritarian State in Spain
Introduction International relations today, are marked by change, heterogeneity, and...
Minimal Vital Income for the Coronavirus Crisis?
Introduction The coronavirus pandemic that is devastating lives and livelihoods around...
Cómo funcionan los eurobonos
Un bono es un instrumento que emiten los Estados para financiarse. A cambio de que un...
How Do Eurobonds Work?
A bond is an instrument that states issue to finance themselves. In exchange for an...
The euro and European Economic Miracle
Introduction According to the most recent Eurobarometer, more than 20% of the European...
Covid-19: Beyond the First Enclosure
They say, at least since the 1940s, that we are always trying to fight the previous war...
The responsibility of China in the pandemic
When the coronavirus crisis is over, all the victims will have to mourn, but it would...
Against price controls in the face of the Covid-19
Periods of economic crisis are a breeding ground for all sorts of populist ideas, often...
It was the same as the last two years. Politics has a lot of spectacle, theatre,...
Will the economic measures against the coronavirus crisis be effective?
We are, without a doubt, facing a historic moment. The coronavirus not only infected...
Coronavirus: Neither Skepticism nor Hysteria
Introduction The whole world, and Spain in particular, is experiencing some of perhaps...
How do prices help fight coronavirus?
A week ago, not to say a month ago, we could not imagine the situation we would find...