The responsibility of China in the pandemic
25 de marzo de 2020

When the coronavirus crisis is over, all the victims will have to mourn, but it would not hurt to start by recalling the actions of eight Chinese doctors who have behaved like true heroes, especially ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, one of those who warned about the COVID-19 and who, precisely because of raising his voice, was imprisoned, silenced and forced to die from the virus: a doctor of just 34 years, who left a wife and son. We must also mention the brave blogger Chen Qiushi, for denouncing the conditions in which the Wuhan hospital centers were, epicenter of a pandemic that has left 3.249 dead in China, according to official sources, and thousands more around the world. And all, due to the lack of transparency of the Chinese regime, could not be avoided in time.

To these fatalities are added the millions of Chinese citizens persecuted by their government, the oppressed Tibetans, the auguries, the Muslims, the citizens of Hong Kong, and those of Taiwan; all harassed, while the West remains silent. It should be remembered that China is a communist dictatorship, an ideology derived from socialism that has claimed the lives of more than 100 million people and that is in force in countries such as Venezuela, Cuba, Spain, Mexico, Nicaragua, Italy, North Korea or Argentina. The countries that have managed this crisis the worst, whether due to inaction, concealment of the real numbers of those infected, or even repression or silencing of those who have denounced their appalling efforts. Some totally insufficient to solve a pandemic that is already bringing dire consequences, such as a global financial crisis or, as the WHO has said, the loss of 25 million jobs worldwide.

Many deaths caused by the coronavirus could not be avoided due to the lack of transparency of the Chinese regime

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Chinese communist regime is the main responsible. As academic Nigel Farage pointed out, the Chinese state represents a threat to the West, which must wake up and see reality. China has to pay for its lack of transparency, for the repression of its citizens, for the support of tyrannies such as Venezuela, and for the economic crisis that is going to be experienced worldwide. Faced with nefarious ideologies such as socialism, close to national socialism or fascism, the West must rise up and defend what has always characterised it: individual freedom and free market capitalism. Furthermore, it must help Chinese citizens to fight for their freedom, as well as those who suffer under the yoke of all kinds of authoritarian regimes. While we wait for this crisis to pass, let us never forget the victims, but also those responsible.

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