Introduction When an economy begins to exhibit chronic deficit, the first question...
The ERTE in codes
Introduction After the state of alarm decree on March 14 in the face of the COVID-19...
At what point is confinement no longer profitable?
Introduction The situation in Spain, especially during the past month, is absolutely...
Minimal Vital Income for the Coronavirus Crisis?
Introduction The coronavirus pandemic that is devastating lives and livelihoods around...
The euro and European Economic Miracle
Introduction According to the most recent Eurobarometer, more than 20% of the European...
The more socialism, the less Spain
The PSOE-Podemos agreement is going to seriously undermine our freedom. It is...
Failures and vices of credit expansion in Spain
“Whatever it takes.” With these words, Mario Draghi, former president of the European...
Why is nobody speaking about the USA’s huge deficit?
It’s quite strange to hear someone comment anything negative about the US’s economy...
Spanish General Budget proposal 2019: Public accounts that do not prepare for the crisis
After its publication, the General State Budget proposal for 2019, far from clarifying...
Scenarios for the Spanish public debt
Public debt peaked in 2014 and, ever since, it has been falling, albeit very gradually....
Change arrives to Navarra: more debt, more unemployment and fewer companies
Tax change: a tax hell... with lower revenue. It has already been more than a year since...