For employment
27 de junio de 2014

For employment! is the commitment of Civismo to build a scenario leading to the dynamisation of the Spanish labour market. Through our initiatives we aspire to generate a debate in civil society that promotes a regulatory framework favourable to the creation of jobs. This is now the biggest challenge facing our country and we assume the task of contributing to its resolution through valuable proposals that address the problem from a classical liberal perspective. Reports such as the Tax Freedom Day, which is carried out on an annual basis, or A tax framework for employment, as well as many others that will be published successively, constitute benchmarks to guide public policies. The objective is that these provide the labour market with greater flexibility and encourage hiring. This research has been carried with the outmost rigorous methods. Moreover, our multi-approach perspective provides a different vision to the one that is usually offered from Government or research institutions.

This project has been funded by Atlas Network in the framework of the Leveraging Indices for Free Enterprise (LIFE) Policy Reform programme. Thanks to Atlas’ generous grant, we have been able to enable, through our research, citizens may access useful information to know the root causes that lead to labour market rigidity in Spain. Through tools such as the tax calculator, one may find data that helps understand how an excessively burdensome tax model poses a major constraint in both employers and employees.

Furthermore, Civismo has published a vast number of opinion articles in some of the most prominent Spanish newspapers, contributing to the creation of opinion in overall society as well as in policy-makers. We are confident that this will also contribute to generate a more flexible environment that leads to job flourishing. In our work on this project, we have always held a global perspective, especially that of the European Union, channelled through the EPICENTER network, which has also been truly helpful in order to provide some key insights to improve Spain’s employment situation; making the economy our best ally to achieve it. Now, more than ever, in Civismo we are for employment.

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