Introduction After the state of alarm decree on March 14 in the face of the COVID-19...
At what point is confinement no longer profitable?
Introduction The situation in Spain, especially during the past month, is absolutely...
Minimal Vital Income for the Coronavirus Crisis?
Introduction The coronavirus pandemic that is devastating lives and livelihoods around...
Will the economic measures against the coronavirus crisis be effective?
We are, without a doubt, facing a historic moment. The coronavirus not only infected...
Coronavirus: Neither Skepticism nor Hysteria
Introduction The whole world, and Spain in particular, is experiencing some of perhaps...
Towards further liberalisation of the labour market: Spain’s pending task
Unemployment is, without a doubt, one of the main consequences —and one of the fastest...
Minimum wage and consumption, do they go hand by hand?
Precariousness, poor workers and temporariness. These are the terms by which the Spanish...
The minimum wage must be eliminated
Without a doubt, the rise of the minimum wage to 950 euros is one of the most relevant...
The more socialism, the less Spain
The PSOE-Podemos agreement is going to seriously undermine our freedom. It is...
Less productive and better paid workers
In recent months, we have seen unions, as well as certain groups in the Congress of...
The millennial economic unfeasibility
For the youth of the X generation – born between 1962 and 1982 – there was an unwritten...
Millennial Manifesto
Numerous analysts point out an unfavorable treatment towards young people compared to...
The recuperation of wages and the reform of unemployment
Introduction: The salaries and inequality in the public agenda and media this October...
Is the Spanish job creation model fragile? The case of tourism
Introduction The situation on the Spanish labor market is being debated by specialists...
Change arrives to Navarra: more debt, more unemployment and fewer companies
Tax change: a tax hell... with lower revenue. It has already been more than a year since...
Women in the Spanish labour market: figures for the debate
Women's employment quota, just as the European average First of all, it must be remarked...
For employment
For employment! is the commitment of Civismo to build a scenario leading to the...