It is taken for granted. The Socialist Party, in its electoral feat, swept Podemos and, with its wreck, the threat of the far left in Spain also sank. The PSOE, which “has always been a moderate party”, was able to overcome more than 100 seats that no other party has in the Congress of Deputies, and many of the former support for the formation of Pablo Iglesias opted this time for the red colour (Socialist Party), leaving the purple (Podemos) of the 15M aside. However, we are not so sure that the far left is close to its disappearance in our country.
Certainly, Podemos has not endured —nor seems to be going to do it (although there may be surprises)— for a long time on the Spanish political map. Hopefully, some say, they can aspire to become a residual party, albeit more influential than it seems, as Izquierda Unida. However, everything points to a marked radicalisation in the largest depository group of national sovereignty, and a seemingly unstoppable movement of the Spanish political axis towards a violent and despotic left, which has been banalised by those called to confront it. It is true that, if we look exclusively at the number of seats, the far-left party that has done more damage in the recent history of Spain has lost almost half of its direct action power, but this does not only lie in the capacity to act. The power lies, above all, in the number of people on whom it is influenced and in its intensity. And of course, the exercise of Unidos Podemos —as they are now called in their needy race against the clock to scratch votes in their trench— is not over. Moreover, it has only just begun. The ascendant of the purple formation in the Socialist Party (PSOE) can no longer be stopped. They are a traditional match, yes, but apparently reinvented. And they have not gotten better with time, but quite the opposite. Who would say a few years ago that the PSOE would trample the fundamental presumption of innocence or agree with those who honour the murderers of their peers, and all because of power?
Thus, the attempt of revolution initiated by Podemos in Spain continues after its fall with an updated PSOE, appearing —although appearances are deceitful— confirm the irresistible of its historical triumph. As in not a few revolutions, these sudden changes can end with their own children, which are none other than the champions of the abhorred mass converted into a single body and with a single message. As a result, Podemos has lost almost half of its deputies. Why this fall of the purple formation? To the rebirth of the PSOE in the Government, where he has applied the measures that we can only was —and still is— capable of speaking, and not of carrying them out. As in the French Revolution, events have gone at a really dizzying and uncontrollable pace for their spokesmen, who have even crossed out as enemies of that group they said they represented: “the people”.
However, the damage does not disappear, since, when the PSOE accepts its postulates, the only changes in the face of citizenship are the acronyms to bet on. The traditional party of the Spanish left has been agile to take advantage of the messages woven by the client networks of its competition. They project the image of Spain as an insecure country for women, with a stifling precariousness, and an endangered environment. A false representation, but whose main consequence —that millions of people believe in these simple dogmas of faith— is real. To achieve this, they are placed in an imaginary predicament, which they judge —and with respect to which they act— as if it were true. And then, the saviours (a socialist government) come with their piety, which, unlike compassion, consisting of compassion with the other (as equals), puts the pious in a situation of superiority over the needy, in this case, the ordinary citizen.
The far left is not defeated, but continues in the acronym of the PSOE, now more despotic than ever
It is also worth mentioning that, in the course of this attempt of a moralist and deranged revolution that we are living, those who try to play two bands will also fall, accepting the cultural imposition of the revolutionaries while pretending to strongly oppose their intentions. The revolution does not allow, in the long term, obvious hypocrisy. With me or against me, nothing else.
In case it is not enough, we must add that, for now, it is the left that is winning the cultural battle, underestimated by what we call “right”. The messages that are launched from the world of entertainment, education and media, among many other opinion centers, are similar to one side of the increasingly narrow political spectrum. Is it not, then, that their opponents have looked the other way – perhaps towards pragmatism – while the false utopians took advantage to advance them in a career that, from the current perspective, seems to be rigged?
The far left, for which all the alarms went off a few years ago, now seems humiliated and insignificant. But it is a simple mirage: the far left continues, with other acronyms, inside the newly corrupted Socialist Party, now more convinced, more despotic. The cultural battle is leading to a terrain more favourable to more violent left, while most of the right tries to get a piece of the cake, unaware that they are only committing political suicide. They refuse to fight, fearful of the masses, and crawl to get the favor of those who hate them. Only indifference to the pressures of the majority can achieve the defeat of this current that, however much it may seem, we must not believe to be defeated.