Apologies, not an inch of analysis or personal thoughts in today’s post, only facts. Ten...
Big Techs and politics: the self-proclaimed fifth power
Take the European Prime Minister of your choice and imagine for a minute that Deutsche...
Racism and abuse of power
Within the past week, headlines across America have shifted focus from social distancing...
The COVID-19 Pandemic: the end of the International Liberal Order and the Advance of the Authoritarian State in Spain
Introduction International relations today, are marked by change, heterogeneity, and...
Springtime for Orbán – not so for Hungary
The streets of Budapest feel peculiar for a sunny spring day; empty roads, shut...
Confusion of powers
The legacy of classical liberalism consolidates the basis of a modern Western state....
In defence of administrative neutrality
Last Saturday, a remarkable event took place in Pamplona, as a result of the...
Defence, raison d’être of the minimal State
Fracking, social and legal fracture
Get up early, work late and find oil”, said the vastly criticized businessman John D....
What are we playing at?
Juan and Marco have planned to play this afternoon. Both respect the rules of the game....
Who has to carry the mortgage can?
In his last quarterly report, analysing the recent evolution of the national economy the...
The biggest threat to democracy
In late January, several international directors of Facebook met in Madrid with...
Maduro against the world: humanitarian aid, interventions and legitimacy
The political crisis in Venezuela has led to domestic and international polarization....
The exemplary Constitutions of Spain and Chile
In Latin America, there is an obsession in the political discourse for the role models,...
The beginning of the end for Maduro
Since 2017, there are two Parliaments in Venezuela, and after the afternoon of January...
Today’s blasphemies and heresies
The Vice President of the Government, Carmen Calvo, defended at the end of September the...